2025 Spring Player Registration

Thank you for your interest in our league.  Registration is officially open for the 2025 spring season.  We hope to encourage all kids to join our co-ed baseball league.

Thank you for your interest in the Newt Guilbault Community Baseball League.  We are very excited about the upcoming season and we can't wait to see you at the fields. 

OPENING DAY:  Sunday- April 27, 2025, Raindate:  Sunday- May 4, 2025


Newt Guilbault is set to begin the 2025 season. Practices begin in April with games running in May and June. All players are welcome to join Newt Guilbault regardless of their current skill level. Newt Guilbault runs three levels of baseball:
ROOKIES: The younger group is coach pitch (approx. ages 5-7) and travels to other local fields (possibly Winchester & Hinsdale NH, Vernon, VT, Northfield, etc) as well as the Newt fields at 27 Montague St. in Turners Falls. Practices run during the week (generally Tues/Thurs) from approx. 5-8pm with Saturday morning games.  
MAJORS: The older group is kid pitch (approx. ages 8-12. Note: player cannot turn 13 prior to May 1, 2025) and plays at the Newt Guilbault fields at 27 Montague St. in Turners Falls. Practices and games run during the week (generally Mon/Wed/Fri) from approx. 5-8pm.  We will NOT be playing weekend Hinsdale games this year as we have done in the past.
50/70: This team will play weekend games during the Newt Spring Season against various other 50/70 teams around the county (travel team) and will consist of kids who are at the most advanced level of play for our league. This will be 11/12 year olds with some rare exceptions for 10 year olds. *Please be sure your player attends skills assessment day if they are interested in playing on the 50/70 team. A separate registration will accompany following team player selections. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Payment is due at the time of registration if registering online. If you would prefer to pay with a check or cash, please contact League Secretary, Kristin Malone at 413-455-4814 to arrange payment.  If paying in person, payment is due within 2 days of online registration.


  • 2025 registration is open now until March 15 at NOON.  Late registration MAY be an option if slots are available.  Late registration will include an additional fee of $25.



  • $85.00 per player
  • $65.00 for 2nd player (sibling)
  • $45.00 for 3rd player (sibling)
  • All players are required to sell 15 calendar raffle tickets at $5 each for a total of $75.  If there are 3 players or more, the family is only required to sell 30 calendar raffles
  • All parent/guardians are required to work in our concession stand a few times throughout the season

Hardship scholarships are possible if needed.  Please contact us:  https://newtguilbaultleague.org/contact


  • All players will receive a uniform shirt and hat.  Players are required to provide their own uniform gray pants.  These can be belted or elastic and they cannot be sweatpants.  If this is a hardship, please contact us.
  • Helmets:  There is to be no sharing of helmets at any time throughout the season.  There are some helmets for each team and your child can be issued a helmet for the season if they don't have one of their own.  It is strongly encouraged to purchase your own.
  • Please refer to the uniform sizing guide for specifics on uniform sizing.

SKILLS ASSESSMENT: This is for ALL Rookies players, NEW majors, and anyone interested in 50/70 play.  Please attend if you are unsure.  We will contact all registrants with the date and time as soon as we have it. 

50/70: Once again we will offer a 50/70 option for kids who are interested in competitive weekend play. This team will play weekend games against various other 50/70 teams around the county (travel team) and will consist of kids who are at the most advanced level of play for our league. This will be 11/12 year olds with some rare exceptions for 10 year olds. 

Summer Tournament details:

Would your baseballer like to play summer tournament team baseball? What is summer tournament team? Tournament baseball is an extension of our normal season. Depending on numbers we could have a 10U (9–10-year-old 40ftX60Ft diamond) team and 12U team (11-12 Year old 50ftX70Ft diamond). There is an additional fee for this, and tryouts are held as you can only have a certain number of players on this team. This is a competitive traveling team. Practice is a couple of times a week (up to the coach on times) and most tournaments are played on the weekends with some weekdays here and there. Some tournaments are more local, and some can be 2 hours away. These are pool play so it can be both weekend days when there is a tournament. Last year was the 2nd year in a row that we had tournament teams, growing from one team to two and we hosted a tournament at our own Newt fields.  We are hoping to build our summer tournament rosters every year. The kids played hard and learned a lot. We would love to see more participation in this to continue to build our league. These are Cal Ripkin League sponsored events, but our team is run solely by our Newt coaches. If you want more info on Cal Ripkin please visit ripkinbaseball.com. Please click the appropriate box below if your child has an interest in summer tournament.  


Player 1 Status*

Player 1 anticipated level of play for 2025 season*

Use the guide in the description to determine child's level

Player 2 Status

Player 2 anticipated level of play for 2025 season

Use the guide in the description to determine child's level

Player 3 Status

Player 3 anticipated level of play for 2025 season

Use the guide in the description to determine child's level
Enter best email address for all NEWT communication
Enter email address for all NEWT communication
Enter email address for all NEWT communication
Enter email address for all NEWT communication

(8000 character limit. Characters so far: 0 Word Count: 0)

Interested in 50/70 team? *

There will be a separate registration for that.

Interested in Summer Tournament ball? MAJORS ONLY*

See description above for Summer Tournament details

(8000 character limit. Characters so far: 0 Word Count: 0)
Do you have a personal skill or specialty that might benefit our league? Let us know how you can help!

Want to help coach?*

Parent/Guardian volunteering*

I understand I am required to volunteer to work in our concession stand a few times throughout the MAJORS season (This is for MAJORS only but please click even if you are a Rookie).

Fundraising *

I understand each family is required to sell 15 calendar raffles but if there are more than 3 players in the family- they are only required to sell 30 calendar raffles.

Photo Release*

By clicking this, I give permission for my child to be photographed during the season. I understand the photo could be used on the Newt Guilbault website or on our social media pages.

DONATION- Hardship scholarships

I would like to donate to help with hardship scholarships for players who can't afford to play.

DONATION- General Fund

I would like to donate to the general fund of the league



I'd like to purchase an extra uniform shirt for each of my players.


I understand that the registration fee is due at the time of registration. If I wish to pay with a check or cash I will contact Secretary Kristin Malone ASAP at 413-455-4814 and pay within 2 days.

You will be asked to submit any payments on the next page.

Please review what you entered before you click the Submit button, and click it ONLY ONCE.