June calendar

Below you’ll find the calendar for June 2022.

Newt families-

We hope you had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend and you are recharged for the last few weeks of our baseball season.

Below you'll find the calendar for June 2022.

Tonight I will hand out copies of this to the coaches for each player. For Majors, this schedule differs slightly from the original schedule regarding playoffs and championship week. However, we are sticking to our goal of completing the season by Friday, June 17th for folks who have vacations already scheduled. We understand that the original schedule notes "All Star Weekend" on 6/10-6/12. With 5 Majors teams this year and trying to complete the season by 6/17, we have had to postpone All Star Weekend. We will try to schedule this for sometime in the summer. For new families who may be unfamiliar with All Star Weekend, it is a time when coaches choose all stars from each team and they play a game against other all stars from another league (most likely it'll be Hinsdale since we've been playing against them). There are also field events incorporated into the day (the golden arm, home run derby, etc).

We hope this calendar helps and we look forward to the last leg of the Newt Guilbault Community Baseball season!